temper tantrums

How To Handle Your Child’s Temper Tantrums 

Temper tantrums are an outburst of anger and frustration. One of the most  stressful and frustrating things that parents have to face sometimes with their  children is their temper tantrums. These can be in the form of throwing things, kicking, and screaming. 

Toddlers have big emotions but they don’t have the ability to understand and  manage them. These temper tantrums can be caused by something that has  been bothering your child over time. 

  • Distract your child 

The most important factor to make your child remain away from these  tantrums is to distract the child. Make him forget the reason why he is  behaving in this manner 

  • Talk softly 

In a situation when the child is showing his tantrums, maintain your calm. Talk  politely and softly to him and ask him what he wants. 

  • Stay with your child 

The child in such a situation requires attention so parents must stay with the  child in order to make him feel safe and secure. 

  • Offer physical engagement 

Make physical contact with the child by cuddling and hugging him and by  letting him know and ensuring him that he will get what he needs. 

  • Ask what’s wrong 

Kids just want to be heard and throwing a tantrum is the best way they can  express themselves. Be a good listener and ask them what is wrong by giving  them full attention. 

  • Don’t lose your own temper 

Parents are role models for their children so it is quite important that the parents must not lose their temper and try to be patient and maintain their  calm. 

  • Spend quality time

Parents must spend quality time with their children in spite of their busy  schedules. When they spend quality time they give them a shared experience that helps the children keep calm. They are able to control their emotions. 

  • Positive environment 

Maintain a positive environment in the surroundings. Give a clear explanation  and help the child feel more comfortable. 

  • Prevent tantrums before they appear 

Parents should take all possible steps to prevent these temper tantrums before  they appear 

Use HALT to prevent them:

  • H-hunger 
  • A-anger 
  • L-lonely 
  • T-tired 

If the kid is hungry give them their desired food, If angry try to make him happy, if lonely give him the desired company, if tired give him the required sleep and rest. It is much easier to access their logical thinking to prevent temper tantrums than to put them out once they stay. 

The most important goal is to teach socially appropriate things to express their  feelings. By teaching kids healthier ways to express them, we are giving them lessons to use throughout their lives.

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