Healthy Eating Habits

Healthy eating habits

Parents have to strike a balance between a child’s nutritious diet and a delicious diet. Parents have to set a pattern of healthy eating habits among their children that will follow their children into later life. The eating habits which the child will develop when they are young will help them to maintain a healthy lifestyle when they are adults.

  • Sit with your child while he/she is eating for supervision and encouragement.
  • Discourage idle snacking and munching sugary snacks
  • Encourage your child to sit at the table and arrange food on the utensils which are by the child’s size and are in such a manner that the child is attracted towards them.
  • Give plenty of time for the child to eat.
  • Children often discourage unfamiliar food items, ensure that whenever a new food item is there it is accompanied by a familiar item.
  • Oppose artificially flavored and processed foods.
  • Fresh fruits and vegetables should be given to the child as they contain a wide range of nutrients.
  • Do not force the child to overeat.
  • Do not use food as a reward or a punishment, this will develop an unhealthy attitude toward food.
  • Find food that your kids like to eat.
  • One day the child will like broccoli. Another day he will not. remember the child’s likes and dislikes keep on changing.
  • Little kids are messy eaters, as their motor skills are developing, relax and accept the kid’s mess.
  • Children often live up to the expectation of their parents. Use positive remarks “I love eating with you”
  • Act as a role model for the child. if the parents eat unhealthy snacks the child will also follow the same.

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