How To Teach Children To Share 

The concept of sharing is something most parents try to instill in their children from a very young age. Sharing is a life skill. It is  something children need to learn so they can make and keep friends  and play cooperatively. 

You can help your child learn to share by giving her plenty of time  and opportunities to practice. The children learn to share when they  become aware of the fact that if they give something to someone, then they will also get it. Ask your kids to take turns while playing, if they don’t tell them that  they will also not get it. Appreciate the children if they share by encouraging them and giving  them positive remarks. 

Children don’t like their valuable possessions to be shared but if you ask  them if it is for a temporary time period, they will agree. The parents  can set a timer for their children so that they will get something  automatically when their turn comes. 

To inculcate the habits of sharing, play games with your child which  involve sharing and taking turns. Explain the benefits of sharing to the children by making them aware  of the fact that if they don’t share their things with others, then  neither will they get it. 

Parents act as a role model for their children, they should set an  example of sharing in front of their children, 

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