Kids misbehave in front of the guests for attention. Children see them as competition and act out to get their parents to take notice and grab their attention. Kids learn to behave that when visitors are around he/she can do what he/she wants to do. The child may refuse to share toys, to play with their friends, to be extra demanding. Hosting visitors provide opportunities for children to learn and practice social skills.
Explaining the Consequences of Misbehavior
Explain to the child about the consequences of his/her misbehavior and lay down the rules as to what kind of behavior is expected of him when the guests arrive. If he behaves in a decent manner, praise him for his good behavior, Ask the child to greet the visitors with a smile, hello and eye contact.
Encouraging Children to Welcome Guests with Kindness:
Talk about the visitors ahead of time, ask them that their friends are coming and they will sharing their toys and play with them, ask the children to use courteous words like sorry, thank you, please among the guests. Prepare some planned activities for the kids when the guests are coming like coloring, playing with dough to make them occupied. Don’t discipline your child in front of the visitors. It will be humiliating for the child and awkward for the visitors. After the visitors have gone, talk to the child about their visit and praise the child for the wonderful behavior.